Download Git Bash Mac

Click Download, and it automatically downloads the software package on your system. Find the package and double-click to open the Git installer. Follow the installation wizard and configure Git to suit your development needs.If you are new to version control systems, the best option would be to leave the default settings. To install Git without using Xcode, you can use Homebrew (which is great for installing other tools as well) - it comes highly recommended. I prefer using Homebrew over the dedicated download and install options like you used for Git.

I’m starting to play with deep learning, machine learning, artificial intelligence in a variety of ways from statistics, linear algebra, calculus, Python via KhanAcademy,, Coursera courses, Udacity Courses, EdX courses (refreshing my memory in some cases). So I thought I would start to blog about my discoveries which will hopefully help you as well.

I was watching a video by Siraj Rival about Python for Data Science and he had put a code sample up on Github. Github is a repository for code (an online code versioning system) where people post and share code with each other. It’s becoming more of an online resume where employers can see that you’ve actually worked on projects, not just padded your resume 🙂

So when we find a cool project we want to play with we can download the code to our local machine using Git on our Macs. Git is a code versioning system (maintaining/updating code in an organized way) and Github is an online version of that. If you don’t know how to install Git, check out this article on installing Git.

Instead of downloading a zip file, forking the repo (using Github website to copy the code to my Github account) or using Github for Mac I wanted to download the code from the command line.

In the image above you see a green Clone or download button for a Github project. The project uses Scikit-learn for Python to do data analysis. Click that to see a dropdown where you can copy and paste the URL to the .git file. We’re not going to download the ZIP file. We’re going to pull the files from the Mac terminal instead. Go ahead and open a Mac terminal (it’s under Applications->Utilities). Go to a directory you’d like to install the code in (I use the default which is Users/myusername).

To clone a Github repository you just type:
git clone <URL to repository>

so for us, this is:
git clone

This pulls the code down and will make a directory based on the project name (gender_classification_challenge). Now you can cd (change directory) into the gender directory and play with the code like I am going to do!

Download git bash mac$gh issue list

Showing 4 of 4 issues in cli/cli
#16Improving interactions with protected branches
#14PR commands on a detached head
#13Support for GitHub Enterprise (enhancement)
#8Add an easier upgrade command (bug)
gh pr status

Relevant pull requests in cli/cli
Current branch
There is no pull request associated with [fix-homepage-bug]
Created by you
You have no open pull requests
Requesting a code review from you
#100Fix footer on homepage[fix-homepage-footer]
✓ Checks passing- Review pending
gh pr checkout 12
remote: Enumerating objects: 66, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (66/66), done.
remote: Total 83 (delta 66), reused 66 (delta 66), pack-reused 17
Unpacking objects: 100% (83/83), done.
* [new ref] refs/pull/8896/head -> patch-2
Switched to branch 'patch-2'
gh pr create

Creating pull request for feature-branch into main in ampinsk/test
? Title My new pull request
? Body [(e) to launch vim, enter to skip]
? What's next? Submit
gh pr checks
All checks were successful
1 failing, 3 successful, and 1 pending checks
build (macos-latest)4m18s
build (ubuntu-latest)1m23s
build (windows-latest)4m43s

Git On Mac

gh release create 1.0Git on mac
? Title GitHub CLI 1.0
? Release notes Write my own
? Is this a prerelease? No
? Submit? Publish release
gh repo viewDownload Git Bash Mac

Download Git Bash On Mac

GitHub’s official command line tool
GitHub CLI
gh is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code.
Image: screenshot of gh pr status →
View this repository on GitHub:

Download Git Bash Mac

gh alias set bugs 'issue list --label='bugs'

Download Git Bash For Mac

- Adding alias for bugs: issue list --label='bugs'
Added alias.
$ gh bugs
Showing 2 of 7 issues in cli/cli that match your search
#19Pagination request returns empty JSON (bug)
#21Error raised when passing valid parameters (bug)