Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download

How to load data into Salesforce objects?

  1. Salesforce Data Loader Install
  2. Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download Version
  3. Salesforce Data Loader 42
  4. Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download Windows 10
  5. Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download Software
  6. Salesforce Apex Data Loader

I cannot download data loader on mac. But still cant do so,it says to contact salesforce admin. While logging in data loader. Data Loader v45.0.0 built with Zulu OpenJDK 11; Launch scripts to help end users launch Data Loader for Windows and macOS; Configuration and log setting files in the Data Loader installation folder; This version uses the upgraded Salesforce Force Partner Api and Force WSC v45. Free download Data Loader CLIq Data Loader CLIq for Mac OS X. Data Loader CLIq - The Salesforce Data Loader Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for automating business processes, and integrating Salesforce with other systems.

I have created my salesforce application and I have to enter my data into Salesforce. I have only 5 records in one of my objects, so I can simply go to the tab and will create records in Salesforce. But in one of my object I need to load bulk (thousands of) records, to enter thousand of records will take more time by entering manually and also it is very difficult and no one will enter thousands of records manually. Here I am providing information about how to load data into salesforce by using automated tools.

Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download

Salesforce providing two ways to load-data into Sobjests. One way is “load data by using import wizard from your setup menu” and another way is load data by using data loader.

Import wizard:

To work with the import wizard no need to install any tool, directly from setup menu and we can use it. By using import wizard we can load data of Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Solutions and Custom Objects.

  1. Using import wizard we can load data up to 50,000 records.
  2. We cannot load duplicate records by using import wizard.
  3. We can also schedule exports from set up menu export data under data management.

Data Loader

Data Loader is a tool provided by Salesforce. We can download this from the setup menu. By using data loader we can perform Insert, Update, Upsert, Delete, Hard delete, Export & Export All operations.

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  1. We can load 5,00,000 records at a time by using data loader.
  2. And also by using command line interface, we can schedule data loads.
  3. By using data loader we can load data for all Sobjects.

Working with Import wizard to load data:

In salesforce to navigate to import wizard go to Setup -> Administer -> Data management

Here I will explain to you how to use import wizard and other options to load data into Salesforce objects:

Below operations, we can do from the standard setup menu. To understand this go to below topics.

Working with data loader to load data into Sobjects

We can use data loader to load-data up to 5,00,000 records. By using data loader we can load any Sobject records. To know more about data loader go through below topic.

Many other topics are there related to this. I will update this page later.

Salesforce Data Loader Install

Any good Admin from time to time has to roll-up their sleeves and do some work with the Apex Data Loader (or LexiLoader if you’re using a Mac). It’s the “go to” data utility for mass uploading, updating and deleting records – but did you know you can also use it to mass upload attachments?

If you’re maintaining an existing org it might never come up, but when you’re merging Salesforce orgs or have a client that wants existing attachments moved into a new Salesforce instance it’s a cool trick!

If you are merging orgs, it’s probably best to do a Weekly Data Export to efficiently grab all the existing attachments. When doing so, make sure you select the option to include attachments. The Data Export will give you a starting file (Attachments.csv) that you can modify to create your import file as well as put all your existing attachments in one directory.

When you unzip the file provided by the Data Export you’ll see a directory similar to the following:

If you open the CSV file called “Attachements.csv,” here is a quick breakdown of what you’re seeing:

  • ID = the record ID of the Attachment you want to import
  • IsDeleted = just a true / false to let you know if the attachment has been deleted
  • Parent ID = is the record the Attachment is associated with / attached to in Salesforce (i.e. a Lead, Account, Contact, Opportunity, etc)
  • AccountID = if the ParentID is not an Account record (e.g. an Opportunity record), this column will tell you if there was an Account associated to the Parent ID
  • Name = this is what shows up as the “Title” in the Notes and Attachments related list in Salesforce
  • IsPrivate = if the “Private” checkbox was checked (it’s going to be false – it’s really just for Notes as you can’t make an attachment private through the UI)
  • ContentType = file format (e.g. .xls, .pdf, etc)
  • BodyLength = just informational
  • BodyLengthCompressed = just informational
  • OwnerId – the Attachment Owner / User

The rest of the columns are the system stamps (Created Date / Time, Created By, Last Modified Date / Time, Last Modified By, etc)

Prepping Your Import File:

To get the file ready for import you can collapse your .csv file down to just following columns:

Body – this where you tell the Data Loader where to get the actual file that will be imported. It should be the directory on your computer down to the file name.

If starting from a Data Export, the directory path will end with the Salesforce ID for the file that was listed in the “ID” column in the Attachments.csv. Let’s look at how I constructed this example:

/Users/shell/Desktop/WeeklyExport Backup/WE_00DA0000000IXfvMAG_1/Attachments/00PA0000000gBURMA2

I started with the directory on my computer that held my Data Export, “/Users/shell/Desktop/WeeklyExport Backup/WE_00DA0000000IXfvMAG_1/Attachments/” and then I appended the file ID “00PA0000000gBURMA2” that was in the “ID” column of my Attachments.csv from my Data Export.

Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download Version

Alternatively, if you are importing a new file into Salesforce, the syntax might look like:

C:documents and settingsshelldesktopattachmentsfile.xls

Salesforce Data Loader 42

Content Type – if using the file the Data Export, use the same information that was in the Attachments.csv file, otherwise list the file extension (e.g. .xls, .pdf, etc)

Name – as stated previously, this will be the “Title” of the Attachment

OwnerID – the Salesforce record ID for the User that will be associated with the attachment

ParentID – the Salesforce record ID that you would like the attachment associated with (e.g. the Lead, Account, Contact, Opportunity, etc).

Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download Windows 10

When done, your import csv file should look something like this:

Data Loader Salesforce Mac Download Software

Performing the Import:

I won’t get into how to use the Data Loader, but here are some things to know for this procedure. In “Step 2” of the Data Loader, make sure you tell Salesforce to Show All Objects to expose the “Attachments” object

Your field mappings will look something like this:

That’s it!


Additional Resources:

There is one knowledge article hiding out in Salesforce help that is a good primer – search for “How do I import attachments using my Data Export files?”

Salesforce Apex Data Loader

Other blog post tutorials on how to use the Data Loader: